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From Collaboration
to Value Creation

LNDS mission is to enable value creation from secondary use of data for our partners. From data projects, to national collaborations and European level projects, LNDS exists to serve public and private organisations, interested in using data, providing data, or both.

On this page you will find information about our partners, collaborators and some of the projects which we are involved in with our partners.

  • 14
    Data Partners
  • 9
    Involvement on European Level
  • 3
    Membership Associations

Data Partners

Our Data Partners are organisations and entities which request data projects. Data partners can act in the role of Data Providers, when providing data for a data project, or in the role of Data Consumers, when the organisation in the receiving role, needing data for use in a data project. LNDS works as a connecting body, matching data providers with data consumers in a secure way, in order to enable secondary use of data in a trustable way.

  • Observatoire national de la santé
  • Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
  • Luxinnovation
  • MyConnectivity
  • General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS)
  • Ministry of Research and Higher Education
  • NTT
  • encevo
  • Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
  • Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
  • Luxembourg Institute of Health
  • The Environment Agency (AEV)

Involvement on European Level

LNDS forms an integral part projects on European scale, including projects to improve healthcare for citizens in Europe. Explore some of the European level involvement LNDS is part of below and read more about the progress of the various projects in our news and insights section.

  • Elixir-steers
  • Genomic Data Infrastructure
  • Beyond 1 Million Genomes
  • European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Healthycloud

Membership Associations

  • MyData Global
  • Data Leaders Association
  • gaia-x