GDPR Working Group
GDPR Working Group
The GDPR Working Group is GDPR working group- a community service dedicated to helping public sector professionals navigate privacy requirements.
EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict data protection rules on organisations collecting, processing or storing personal data from EU individuals. This represents significant challenges to LNDS’ data partners: uncertainty regarding the law interpretation and compliance measures, lack of expertise in various aspects of data protection and privacy, implementing appropriate safeguards and so on.
The GDPR community provides an exchange platform for data protection officers and other staff engaged in activities related to data protection in public sector or research. Regular meetings provide group members with an opportunity to discuss best practices of GDPR implementation, jointly interpret GDPR applications in research and public sector, and remain up to date on regulatory developments around data protection. LNDS is responsible to provide expert input on all subjects to be discussed, in particular on relevant case law, documents by the European Data Protection Board or similar statements. To stimulate the GDPR Working Group, LNDS scouts actively for relevant information and proposes related discussion points for the agenda. The community also serves as a sounding board for general tools for data protection (such as training modules).
GDPR – making sense out of it!
From abstract legal requirements to implemented practice for public research.