Secure Processing Environment
Secure Processing Environment
The Secure Processing Environment service protects confidential data reuse by means of providing a secure virtual environment for accessing and analysing data. In other words, it enables a flexible and modern approach to responsible data handling. The Secure Processing Environment (SPE) service is powered by certified, state-of-the-art, local infrastructure, to protect and isolate the data at every stage of the processing pipeline.
How does the SPE work?
The Secure Processing Environment ensures that only the right persons have access to only the right data for the duration agreed between the persons and the holders of the data in a standardised and controlled manner.
For the persons who are given access to the data (data users), the SPE provides a computational, remotely accessible platform to analyse the data and retrieve the results in alignment with the permissions.
For the data holders, the SPE provides technical and operational means to minimise the risks of unauthorised access to confidential data during the processing, as well as reducing the risk that the outputs of processing contain the original confidential data by enabling the holder to check the results before their extraction from the secure environment.
Let’s work together to make data access and data reuse safe.